ماذا-وراء-إصرار-السعودية-على-وقف-إطلاق-النار-في-اليمن 05 April 2020, Sunday, 02:05 Greenwich time Sheikh Muḥammad Ṭāhir An‘am, Deputy President of the Yemeni Salafī Rašād Party said that the Saudi “What is behind the Saudi insistence for ceasefire in Yemen?”
Category: Arab Press
Julia Boutrus rejects the birthday wishes of Avichay Adraee: it is poisonous and dubiousجوليا-بطرس-ترفض-معايدة-أفيخاي-أدرعي–مسمومة-ومريبة Writer: al-Mayadeen net Source: agencies 01 April 05:40 p.m. The Lebanese artist Julia Boutrus responds to the spokesman of the Army of Occupation “Julia Boutrus rejects the birthday wishes of Avichay Adraee: it is poisonous and dubious”
‘Abd al-Ḥalīm Haddām dies in Paris at the age of 88.وفاة-عبد-الحليم-خدام-في-باريس-عن-88-عاما Writer: al-Mayadeen net Source: agencies 31 March 03:10 p.m. Former Syrian Vice President ‘Abd al-Ḥalīm Haddām dies in Paris at an age close “‘Abd al-Ḥalīm Haddām dies in Paris at the age of 88.”
The American army hands the “K-1” base in Kirkūk over to the Iraqi forcesالجيش-الأميركي-يسلم-قاعدة–كي-وان–في-كركوك-للقوات-العراقية March 29, 2020, 14:56 al-Mayadeen net The forces of the American Coalition passes the “K-1l base in the city of Kirkūk over to “The American army hands the “K-1” base in Kirkūk over to the Iraqi forces”
Ibn Zāyid will visit Damascus for these reasons.إبن-زايد-سيزور-سوريا-لهذه-الأسباب 29 March 2020, Sunday, 01:24 Greenwich time The phone call be the Crown Prince of Abū Zabī to Syrian President Baššār al-Asad in “Ibn Zāyid will visit Damascus for these reasons.”
Bāsīl comments the phone call of Muḥammad ibn Zāyid to the Syrian President. 28 March 2020, Saturday, 08:41 Greenwich time President of the Free National Movement in Lebanon Ğubrān Bāsīl [former Foreign Minister] commented on the “Bāsīl comments the phone call of Muḥammad ibn Zāyid to the Syrian President.”
American radar appears in the Iraqi al-Qā’im… the features reveal the reasons of its presence.ظهور-رادار-أميركي-في-القائم-العراقية—أسباب-وجوده-تكشفها-مز March 28, 2020, 21:15 al-Mayadeen ne During the hand-over operation of the American wing of the al-Qā’im military position at the Syrian-Iraqi border “American radar appears in the Iraqi al-Qā’im… the features reveal the reasons of its presence.”
The Expo exhibition… Ibn Zāyid faces a new blow.معرض-اكسبو–ضربة-جديدة-تلقاها-بن-زايد 25 March 2020, Wednesday, 12:37 Greenwich time The Bidūn Ẓill [without shadow] account, which is held as an “Emirati officer”, posted a tweet, “The Expo exhibition… Ibn Zāyid faces a new blow.”
Pakistan demands the American ban on Iran to be liftedباكستان-تطالب-برفع-الحظر-الأميركي-عن-إيران March 24, 2020, 10:54 al-Mayadeen net The Foreign Minister of Pakistan says that there are challenges ahead of Iran in the path of “Pakistan demands the American ban on Iran to be lifted”
Sayyid Hāmeneī to the American leaders: You are vicious, oppressors and terroristsالسيد-خامنئي-للقادة-الأميركيين–أنتم-وقحون-وظالمون-وإرهابيون March 22, 2020, 11:04 al-Mayadeen net Iranian Supreme Leader of the Revolution Sayyid ‘Alī Hāmeneī on the occasion of the Iranian New Year “Sayyid Hāmeneī to the American leaders: You are vicious, oppressors and terrorists”