وزير-الخارجية-السعودي–لا-نريد-مغادرة-القوات-الأميركية-للعرا January 28, 2020, 09:14 Al-Mayadeen net Saudi Foreign Minister Fayṣal ibn Farḥān Āl Sa‘ūd says his country does not wish the departure “Saudi Foreign Minister, we don’t wish the departure of the American troops for Iraq”
Category: Arab Press
The Syrian Army restores control over Ma‘rat an-Nu‘mān, the biggest city in the southern countryside of Idlibالجيش-السوري-يستعيد-السيطرة-على-مدينة-معرة-النعمان-كبرى-مدن January 28, 2020, 16:08 Al-Mayadeen net The Syrian Army currently combs over the strategic city of Ma‘rat an-Nu‘mān after its liberation from “The Syrian Army restores control over Ma‘rat an-Nu‘mān, the biggest city in the southern countryside of Idlib “
The messages of the missile attack on the American embassy in Baghdadلغز-رصد-الطائرات-الأمريكية-اف-35-الخفية-عند-الحدود-الإيرانية 27 January 2020, Monday, 04:35 Greenwich time News and evaluation Al-‘Ālam – News and evaluation The news: The American embassy in Baghdad “The messages of the missile attack on the American embassy in Baghdad”
Facts revealed about the new head of Dā‘išحقائق-تكشف-عن-رأس-داعش-الجديد?fbclid=IwAR1a3nXWsmFR1Gay8SHSeIOQIoJF4yltNM00UFl2SkTNSqAupaQBZWvg4BM Tuesday, January 21, 2020, 08:06 After its leader, Abū Bakr al-Baġdādī was killed in an American raid Syria at the end of [last] “Facts revealed about the new head of Dā‘iš”
Israeli visit to Saudi Arabia: in the times of the reforms of “not just desert and beauty anymore”!زيارة-إسرائيلية-إلى-السعودية–في-عهد-الإصلاحات–لم-تعد-صحراء January 25, 2020, 11:50 Al-Mayadeen net The Israeli channel 12 broadcasts a report about “the modernity and the openness” that takes place “Israeli visit to Saudi Arabia: in the times of the reforms of “not just desert and beauty anymore”!”
Ibn ‘Alawī in Tehran… for mutual cooperation about the Straits of Hormuzبن-علوي-في-طهران—لتعاون-ثنائي-بخصوص-مضيق-هرمز/ January 26, 2020, 15:51 Al-Mayadeen net Ẓarīf and ibn ‘Alawī both confirm the “Ibn ‘Alawī in Tehran… for mutual cooperation about the Straits of Hormuz”
Ẓarīf to al-Ğubayr: the normal states don’t transform their consulates into slaughterhouses.ظريف-للجبير-الدول-الطبيعية-لاتستبدل-قنصليتها-بمسالخ 24 January 2020, Friday, 01:43 Greenwich time Iranian Foreign Minister Muḥammad Ğavād Ẓarīf in a tweet responded to a comment by Minister “Ẓarīf to al-Ğubayr: the normal states don’t transform their consulates into slaughterhouses. “
Waḥīdī: the Iranian missile strike on the ‘Ayn al-Asad base caused 70 deaths.وحيدي–الهجوم-الصاروخي-الإيراني-على-قاعدة-عين-الأسد-أوقع-70 January 23, 2020, 22:58 Al-Mayadeen net Lieutenant-General Aḥmad Waḥīdī, former Iranian Defense Minister confirms that at of 70 American soldiers in the “Waḥīdī: the Iranian missile strike on the ‘Ayn al-Asad base caused 70 deaths.”
By igniting the fire in Libya… the smoke “suffocates” Tunisiaمع-اشتعال-النيران-في-ليبيا-الدخان-يخنق-تونس?fbclid=IwAR0VEkILUftAG2mdinXmXwXcddjxVh06m8DY98P_nOiXXB_y78ugUwdT7JU December 30, 2019, 09:13 Indeed following the ongoing developments in Libya is a challenge for the number of standpoints and conflicting alliances, for “By igniting the fire in Libya… the smoke “suffocates” Tunisia”
The puzzle of intercepting American F-35 stealth airplanes at the Iranian borderلغز-رصد-الطائرات-الأمريكية-اف-35-الخفية-عند-الحدود-الإيرانية 21 January 2020, Tuesday, 07:21 Greenwich time It is supposed that the American “B-2”, “F-22” and “F35” stealth planes hide from the “The puzzle of intercepting American F-35 stealth airplanes at the Iranian border”