Ḥizb Allah: We are still waiting for the results of the aggression against the Southern Suburb concerning the fate of Commander Šukr.

https://www.almayadeen.net/news/politics/حزب-الله–ما-زلنا-في-انتظار-نتيجة-العدوان-على-الضاحية-الجنوب Ḥizb Allah confirms that the attack against the Southern Suburb targeted a residential building in which the major Commander Warrior as-Sayyid Fu’ād Šukr (al-ḤāğḤizb Allah: We are still waiting for the results of the aggression against the Southern Suburb concerning the fate of Commander Šukr.

Iraq: Martyrs and wounded within the Popular Mobilization in an American bombardment against Ğarf aṣ-Ṣahr.

https://www.almayadeen.net/news/politics/العراق–شهداء-وجرحى-من-الحشد-الشعبي-في-قصف-أميركي-على-جرف-ال The Popular Mobilization Organization [al-Ḥašd aš-Ša‘abī] in Iraq announces in a statement that a number of martyrs fell and many injured following a targetedIraq: Martyrs and wounded within the Popular Mobilization in an American bombardment against Ğarf aṣ-Ṣahr.

Israeli aggression targets a residential building in the southern suburb of Beirut.

https://www.almayadeen.net/news/politics/غارة-إسرائيلية-تستهدف-مبنى-سكنيا-في-الضاحية-الجنوبية-لبيروت The Israeli Occupation commits an aggression against Lebanon by an airstrike targeting a residential building in the southern suburb of the capital Beirut, whichIsraeli aggression targets a residential building in the southern suburb of Beirut.

Erdoğan: We can intervene in “Israel”, like we intervened in Nagorno-Karabakh and Libya.

https://www.almayadeen.net/news/politics/إردوغان–يمكن-أن-نتدخل-في–إسرائيل–كما-تدخلنا-في-ناغورنو-كا Türkiye President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announces stances about the ongoing Israeli war against the Gaza Strip and comments the speech of the Occupation’s headErdoğan: We can intervene in “Israel”, like we intervened in Nagorno-Karabakh and Libya.

They called him a “murder of children” and ended his visit. The residents of the Mağdal Šams expel Netanyahu.

https://www.almayadeen.net/news/politics/نعتوه-بـ-قاتل-الأطفال–وأنهوا-زيارته—أهالي-مجدل-شمس-يطردون The residents of Mağdal Šams expel the head of government of the Israeli Occupation Benjamin Netanyahu. The Prime Minister of Syria condemn and rejectThey called him a “murder of children” and ended his visit. The residents of the Mağdal Šams expel Netanyahu.

The residents of the Mağdal Šams mourn their martyrs and protest against the visit of the Israeli officials.

https://www.almayadeen.net/news/politics/أهالي-مجدل-شمس-يشيعون-شهداءهم—ویحتجون-ضد-زیارة-مسؤولين-إسر The residents of Mağdal Šams in the occupied Syrian Golan mourn the martyrs of the targeted Israeli attack against the football stadium. The SyrianThe residents of the Mağdal Šams mourn their martyrs and protest against the visit of the Israeli officials.

Algeria: France recognizing the autonomy plan for the Western Sahara region is distorting the facts.

https://www.almayadeen.net/news/politics/الجزائر–اعتراف-فرنسا-بخطة-الحكم-الذاتي-لإقليم-الصحراء-الغرب The border dispute between the Algerian Republic and the Kingdom of Morocco is heading for a confrontation with the decision of the French governmentAlgeria: France recognizing the autonomy plan for the Western Sahara region is distorting the facts.

Meeting between al-Asad and Putin  in Moscow, discussing the bilateral relations and the situation in the region.

https://www.almayadeen.net/news/politics/بوتين-والأسد-يجتمعان-في-موسكو—مناقشة-العلاقات-الثنائية-وال In Moscow Syrian President Baššār al-Asad and Russian President Vladimir Putin gathered to study the bilateral relations between the two countries and the developmentsMeeting between al-Asad and Putin  in Moscow, discussing the bilateral relations and the situation in the region.

Sudan: President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council receives the Qatari State Minister for Foreign Affairs.

https://www.almayadeen.net/news/politics/السودان–رئيس-مجلس-السيادة-الانتقالي-يستقبل-وزير-الدولة-القط President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council in Sudan ‘Abd al-Fattāḥ al-Burhān receives Qatari State Minister for Foreign Affairs Sulṭān ibn Sa‘ad al-Murayhī and theSudan: President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council receives the Qatari State Minister for Foreign Affairs.

An agreement between the government of Sana’a and the Saudi appointed Presidential Council on deescalation. What are its details?

https://www.almayadeen.net/news/politics/اتفاق-بين-حكومتي-صنعاء-والمجلس-الرئاسي-المعين-سعوديا-لخفض-ال UN envoy to Yemen Hans Grundberg announces that an agreement was reached between the government in Sana’a and the Saudi appointed Presidential Council aboutAn agreement between the government of Sana’a and the Saudi appointed Presidential Council on deescalation. What are its details?