Official acknowledgment… The UAE is somewhat worried by the Yemeni drone operationsاعتراف-رسمي–الإمارات-قلقة-للغاية-من-عمليات-سلاح-الجو-المسير-اليمني   18 August 2019, Sunday, 12:18 Greenwich time   The political advisor of the the Emirati Crown Prince Muḥammad ibn Zāyid, “‘Abd al-Hāliq ‘Abd “Official acknowledgment… The UAE is somewhat worried by the Yemeni drone operations”

Who is Munīr al-Yāfa ‘ī Abū l-Yamāma who is killed in the operation of al-Ğalā’?من-هو-منير-اليافعي-ابو-اليمامة-الذي-قتل-بعملية-الجلاء؟   1 August 2019, Thursday, 9:02 Greenwich time   Correspondent of al-‘Ālam reported the death of Munīr al-Yāfa‘ī Abū l-Yamāma, commander of the so “Who is Munīr al-Yāfa ‘ī Abū l-Yamāma who is killed in the operation of al-Ğalā’?”