The Lebanese Foreign Minister condemns the Israeli aggression on Syriaوزير-الخارجية-اللبناني-يدين-العدوان-الإسرائيلي-على-سوريا Writer: al-Mayadeen net          Source: al-Mayadeen   05 June 17:06 Lebanese Foreign Minister Nāṣīf Ḥattī the Israeli military strikes against Syria from Lebanese airspace. Lebanese “The Lebanese Foreign Minister condemns the Israeli aggression on Syria  “

Information about the commander of the “aš-Šām Legion”, who was taken prisoner in the fights in Libya.معلومات-عن-قيادي-فيلق-الشام-الذي-أسر-في-معارك-ليبي 28 May 2020, Thursday, 04:23 Greenwich time The Syrian Observer of Human Rights reported information it acquired about the commander of the “aš-Šām Legion” “Information about the commander of the “aš-Šām Legion”, who was taken prisoner in the fights in Libya.”

The battles precede the negotiations in Libya… Ḥaftar in Cairo and as-Sarrāğ is heading to Istanbulالمعارك-تسابق-المفاوضات-في-ليبيا—-حفتر-في-القاهرة-والسراج Writer: al-Mayadeen net          Source: al-Mayadeen   04 June 08:12 Halīfa Ḥaftar, commander of her Libyan forces in Eastern Libya arrives to Cairo to meet “The battles precede the negotiations in Libya… Ḥaftar in Cairo and as-Sarrāğ is heading to Istanbul”

Cessation of activities by the Emirati “Believers without borders” organization in Morocco.اقتصاد/تجميد-أنشطة-مؤسسة-مؤمنون-بلا-حدود-الإماراتية-بالمغرب-/1849848   22.05.2020 Rabat Rabat / Tāğ ad-Dīn al-‘Abdalāwī / Anadolu The Emirati “Believers without borders for Studies and Research” organization froze all its activities “Cessation of activities by the Emirati “Believers without borders” organization in Morocco.”

Burning of the fields… Deliberate policy of the American and the Turkish invaders in Syria.إحراق-الحقول–سياسة-ممنهجة-للإحتلالين-الأمريكي-والتركي-بسوريا 27 May 2020, Wednesday, 04:07 Greenwich time The burning of the agricultural fields and especially those of grain in the Syrian al-Ğazīra region is “Burning of the fields… Deliberate policy of the American and the Turkish invaders in Syria.”

A report to the Pentagon warns about the possibility that 10 Dā‘iš fighters at “Qasad” could escape.تقرير-للبنتاغون-يحذر-من-احتمال-فرار-10-آلاف-داعشي-لدى-قسد   26 May 2020, Tuesday, 10:06 Greenwich time A report to the American Secretary of Defence warned about the possibility that more than ten “A report to the Pentagon warns about the possibility that 10 Dā‘iš fighters at “Qasad” could escape.”