Iran: We categorically reject the claims that have surfaced about the murder of the Israeli rabbi in the Emirates.إيران–نرفض-تماما-مزاعم-ضلوعنا-في-قتل-الحاخام-الإسرائيلي-في Iran denies the surfaced claims about the murder of Israeli rabbi Zvi Kogan, who disappeared in the Emirates on Thursday. 25 November Iran commentedIran: We categorically reject the claims that have surfaced about the murder of the Israeli rabbi in the Emirates.

Hochstein from Beirut: the atmosphere is positive. I will head to “Israel” to continue the negotiations.هوكستين-من-بيروت–الأجواء-إيجابية—وسأنتقل-إلى–إسرائيل–لا American Presidential Envoy Amos Hochstein after his meeting with Speaker of the Parliament Barrī says that “we will take a step after another, weHochstein from Beirut: the atmosphere is positive. I will head to “Israel” to continue the negotiations.

A Palestinian source to al-Mayadeen: Washington is pressuring Doha to force Ḥamās to accept partial suggestions.مصدر-فلسطيني-للميادين–واشنطن-تضغط-بشدة-على-الدوحة-لإجبار-حم A special source in the Palestinian leadership confirms to al-Mayadeen that the American administration puts a heavy pressure on Qatar about the Ḥamās Movement.A Palestinian source to al-Mayadeen: Washington is pressuring Doha to force Ḥamās to accept partial suggestions.

Syria: Israeli aggression targeting residential buildings and the industrial zone in Palmyra.سوريا–عدوان-إسرائيلي-يستهدف-الأبنية-السكنية-والمنطقة-الصناع New Israeli aggression against the city of Palmyra in the eastern rural area of Homs that extended to residential buildings and the industrial zoneSyria: Israeli aggression targeting residential buildings and the industrial zone in Palmyra.

‘Arāqčī to his Syrian colleague: Iran stands by Syria combating the Israeli threats.عراقتشي-لنظيره-السوري–إيران-تقف-إلى-جانب-سوريا-لمواجهة-تهدي Irani Foreign Minister ‘Abbās ‘Arāqčī holds a press conference with his Syrian counterpart Bassām Ṣabbāġ in Tehran and they discuss the most recent developments‘Arāqčī to his Syrian colleague: Iran stands by Syria combating the Israeli threats.

Parliamentary member of the Loyalty Faction of the Resistance in the Lebanese Parliament confirms 3 cornerstones in the negotiations.نائب-عن-كتلة-الوفاء-للمقاومة-في-البرلمان-اللبناني-يؤكد-3-ثوا Parliament member of the Resistance’s Loyalty Faction Īhāb Ḥamāda confirms to al-Mayadeen that the recent diplomatic activity coincides with the military pressure of theParliamentary member of the Loyalty Faction of the Resistance in the Lebanese Parliament confirms 3 cornerstones in the negotiations.

‘Alī Ḥiğāzī to al-Mayadeen: Media relations official of Ḥizb Allah Muḥammad ‘Afīf got martyred in an Israeli aggression.استشهاد-مسؤول-العلاقات-الإعلامية-في-حزب-الله-محمد-عفيف-في-عد Secretary-General of the Lebanese Arab Socialist Ba‘at Party ‘Alī Ḥiğāzī confirms the news to al-Mayadeen about the martyrdom of the Ḥizb Allah media relations‘Alī Ḥiğāzī to al-Mayadeen: Media relations official of Ḥizb Allah Muḥammad ‘Afīf got martyred in an Israeli aggression.

Al-Asad discusses matters concerning the defense and the security in the region with the Iranian Defense Minister.الأسد-يبحث-مع-وزير-الدفاع-الإيراني-قضايا-تتعلق-بالدفاع-والأم Syrian President Baššār al-Asad together with the Iranian Defense Minister discusses the strengthening of the defense cooperation between the two countries combating terrorism andAl-Asad discusses matters concerning the defense and the security in the region with the Iranian Defense Minister.

Iran confirms its supports for the path of normalization of relations between Syria and Türkiye.إيران-تؤكد-تأييد-مسار-تطبيع-العلاقات-بين-سوريا-وتركيا The Iranian Foreign Ministry announces that two of its chief advisor for special political affairs met with the representative of the Russian President inIran confirms its supports for the path of normalization of relations between Syria and Türkiye.

Syria: Israeli aggression against the areas of Šanšār and Ḍāḥiyyat al-Mağd to the south of Homs.سوريا–عدوان-إسرائيلي-على-منطقتي-شنشار-وضاحية-المجد-جنوبي-حم The Israeli Occupation carried out an aggression striking the areas of Šanšār and Ḍāḥiyyat al-Mağd between the cities of Ḥasyā’ and Homs to theSyria: Israeli aggression against the areas of Šanšār and Ḍāḥiyyat al-Mağd to the south of Homs.