خريطة-انتشار-14-قاعدة-عسكرية-أميركية-في-سوريا-بمهام-مختلفة 20 April 2020, Monday, 04:04 Greenwich time The American occupational forces have reinforced their positions in Syria with 200 new troops, and thus “The map of the 14 American military camps spread across Syria with different tasks”
Category: Arab Press
Iraq reveals the timetable of the withdrawal of the American forces.العراق-يكشف-عن-وضع-جدول-زمني-لانسحاب-القوات-الأمريكية 26 April 2020, Sunday, 11:48 Greenwich time Spokesman of the Iraqi Armed Forces General Command Major-General ‘Abd al-Kqrīm Halaf reveals that Baghdad and “Iraq reveals the timetable of the withdrawal of the American forces.”
Two soldiers of the American occupation disappeared in rural Dayr az-Zūr.اختفاء-جنديين-للاحتلال-الأمريكي-بريف-دير-الزور 27 April 2020, Monday, 10:17 Greenwich time Local sources in Dayr az-Zūr revealed that two soldiers in the American Occupation suffered an attack “Two soldiers of the American occupation disappeared in rural Dayr az-Zūr.”
The Transitional Council claims the “achievements” of the battles with the “Coalition”… and the government of Hādī warns.المجلس-الانتقالي-يتقاسم–إنجازات–المعارك-مع–التحالف—-وحك Writer: al-Mayadeen net Source: al-Mayadeen 28 April 09:00 Deputy Secretary of the Emirati supported Transitional Council Hānī ibn Barīk brings attention to the “The Transitional Council claims the “achievements” of the battles with the “Coalition”… and the government of Hādī warns.”
The “Southern Transition” announces its autonomy for the southern Yemeni provinces. Writer: al-Mayadeen net Source: al-Mayadeen 26 April 01:26 “The Transitional Council” supported by the Emirates announces a state of emergency in the south “The “Southern Transition” announces its autonomy for the southern Yemeni provinces.”
In a phone call with the Emir of Qatar… Rōḥānī: We precisely monitor the movements of the Americans.في-اتصال-مع-أمير-قطر—روحاني–نرصد-تحركات-الأميركيين-بدقة Writer: al-Mayadeen net Source: agencies 25 April 15:35 The Iranian President during a phone call made with the Emir of Qatar says that “In a phone call with the Emir of Qatar… Rōḥānī: We precisely monitor the movements of the Americans.”
This is how Syrians commented on the statements by the Egyptian Foreign Ministry.هكذا-علق-السوريون-على-تصريحات-الخارجية-المصرية 25 April 2020, Saturday, 04:33 Greenwich time Egyptian Foreign Minister Sāmiḥ aš-Šukrī held a telephone conversation with the U.N. Special Envoy to Syria “This is how Syrians commented on the statements by the Egyptian Foreign Ministry.”
The Syrian Opposition Platform: Turkey stopped financing the “ar-Raḥmān Brigade” after it denied to send its fighters to Libya.المرصد-السوري-المعارض—تركيا-توقف-تمويل–فيلق-الرحمن–بعد Writer: al-Mayadeen net Source: al-Mayadeen net 25 April 00:11 The “Syrian Opposition Platform” reports on sources saying that Turkey has stopped the financing “The Syrian Opposition Platform: Turkey stopped financing the “ar-Raḥmān Brigade” after it denied to send its fighters to Libya.”
Šamhānī: There are more surprises on the way.شمخاني–هناك-مفاجآت-أخرى-في-الطريق Writer: al-Mayadeen net 23 April 10:40 The Secretary-General of the Iranian Supreme National Security Council stresses that Iran will continue to present power “Šamhānī: There are more surprises on the way.”
The American Air Force: Iran succeededالقوات-الجوية-الأميركية–إيران-نجحت Writer: al-Mayadeen net 23 April 10:40 The American Air Force comments on the first successful launch of an Iranian satellite and Trump follows “The American Air Force: Iran succeeded”