In response to Sana’a Washington announced the “Guardian of Prosperity” operation on the Red Sea.ردا-على-صنعاء—واشنطن-تعلن-عن-عملية–حارس-الرخاء–في-البحر American Defense Secretary Lloyd Ashton announces the “Guardian of Prosperity” operation led by Washington that involves several Western and Arab states aiming to jointlyIn response to Sana’a Washington announced the “Guardian of Prosperity” operation on the Red Sea.

Al-Asad: The Palestinian resistance defends Syria as well and the price for defense is less than surrender.الأسد–المقاومة-الفلسطينية-تدافع-عن-سوريا-أيضا-وثمن-الدفاع-أ Syrian President Baššār al-Asad confirms that the resistance in Gaza globally broke the hegemony of the Zionist story by showing the truth and byAl-Asad: The Palestinian resistance defends Syria as well and the price for defense is less than surrender.

‘Abd al-Fattāḥ as-Sīsī officially wins the Egyptian presidency for another 6 years.عبد-الفتاح-السيسي-يفوز-رسميا-برئاسة-مصر-لمدة-6-سنوات-جديدة The National Electoral Agency in Egypt announces ‘Abd al-Fattāḥ as-Sīsī won the Egyptian presidency gaining 89,6% of the votes of those participating in the‘Abd al-Fattāḥ as-Sīsī officially wins the Egyptian presidency for another 6 years.

Algeria: Gaza has transformed into the graveyard of the international system’s principles.الجزائر–غزة-تحولت-إلى-مقبرة-لمبادئ-النظام-الدولي Algerian Foreign Minister Aḥmad ‘Aṭṭāf at the “Peace and Security in Africa” conference in the city of Oran says that Gaza has transformed intoAlgeria: Gaza has transformed into the graveyard of the international system’s principles.

Yemen: The Saudi appointed Presidential Council denies its participation in the “Maritime Protection” Coalition.اليمن–المجلس-الرئاسي-المعين-سعوديا-ينفي-مشاركته-في-تحالف-لـ The Saudi appointed Yemeni Presidential Council denies its participation in the new “Protection of the Maritime Lanes” international coalition, while at the same time,Yemen: The Saudi appointed Presidential Council denies its participation in the “Maritime Protection” Coalition.

Emir of Kuwait Nawwāf al-Aḥmad al-Ğābir aṣ-Ṣabāḥ dies at the age of 86.وفاة-أمير-الكويت-نواف-الأحمد-الجابر-الصباح-عن-86-عاما Emir of Kuwait Nawwāf al-Aḥmad al-Ğābir aṣ-Ṣabāḥ died at the age of 86 after his condition weakened by suffering a health complication last month. Emir of Kuwait Nawwāf al-Aḥmad al-Ğābir aṣ-Ṣabāḥ dies at the age of 86.

These ones fight against the Anṣār Allah. ‘Aydrūs offers his services to “Israel”.هؤلاء-يحاربون-إنصارالله–عيدروس-يعرض-خدماته-على-إسرائيل Monday, 11 December 2023 – 05:21 Greenwich time We are not exaggerating when we say that the battle of “Ṭūfān al-Aqṣā” broke Arabic historyThese ones fight against the Anṣār Allah. ‘Aydrūs offers his services to “Israel”.

Sources of al-Mayadeen: Attacking the American base in aš-Šaddādī in al-Ḥasaka.مصادر-الميادين:-استهداف-قاعدة-الشدادي-الأميركية-في-الحسكة Sources report the attack against the American base at aš-Šaddādī in the south of al-Ḥasaka in Syria with missiles of a drone.  11 DecemberSources of al-Mayadeen: Attacking the American base in aš-Šaddādī in al-Ḥasaka.

Ra’īsī: Washington foiling the ceasefire in Gaza shows its role in killing Palestinians.رئيسي–إفشال-واشنطن-وقف-إطلاق-النار-في-غزة-يعكس-دورها-في-قتل Iranian President Ebrāhīm Ra’īsī confirms that the United States of America by foiling the UN resolution proposal for a ceasefire in Gaza “reflects itsRa’īsī: Washington foiling the ceasefire in Gaza shows its role in killing Palestinians.