Syria: The Israeli “Army” stabilizes its occupation at the south and paves roads between its military positions.سوريا—الجيش–الإسرائيلي-يثبت-احتلاله-للجنوب-ويعبد-الطرقات The correspondent of al-Mayadeen in Syria confirms that the Israeli Occupation is working on stabilizing its occupation of Southern Syria by paving connecting roadsSyria: The Israeli “Army” stabilizes its occupation at the south and paves roads between its military positions.

Syria: Around 500 people in Homs… the residents of the city demand stopping the violations.سوريا–اعتقال-نحو-500-شخص-في-حمص—وأهالي-المدينة-يطالبون-بو The Syrian Observer for Human Rights confirms that amongst those arrested and detained in Homs were officers and troops that had issued a settlementSyria: Around 500 people in Homs… the residents of the city demand stopping the violations.

“Financial Times”: Protests in Syria after the rulers imposed an Islamist agenda in the education curriculum.فايننشال-تايمز—احتجاجات-في-سوريا-بعد-فرض-الحكام-أجندة-إسل The British Financial Times talks about the changes the new Syrian Ministry of Education took with the educational curricula and the protests of the“Financial Times”: Protests in Syria after the rulers imposed an Islamist agenda in the education curriculum.

Syria: the Occupation targets defense factories in the eastern part of Aleppo.سوريا–الاحتلال-يستهدف-معامل-الدفاع-في-ريف-حلب-الشرقي The Israeli Occupation targets defense factories in the eastern rural area of Aleppo with airstrikes. 03 January The correspondent of al-Mayadeen confirms that atSyria: the Occupation targets defense factories in the eastern part of Aleppo.

Syria: 17 armed members of the “National Army” killed in an infiltration operation by the Qasad against its positions in Eastern Aleppo.سوريا–مقتل-17-مسلحا-من–الجيش-الوطني–في-عملية-تسلل-لـ-قسد 17 members of the “National Army” factions that belong to Türkiye were killed in an infiltration operation by the Qasad against its positions atSyria: 17 armed members of the “National Army” killed in an infiltration operation by the Qasad against its positions in Eastern Aleppo.

The Saudi Defense and Foreign Ministers receive their Syrian counterparts in Riyadh.وزيرا-الدفاع-والخارجية-السعوديان-يستقبلان-نظيريهما-السوريين In their first official visit the foreign and the defense ministers of the new Syrian government arrive in Saudi Arabia. 02 January Saudi DefenseThe Saudi Defense and Foreign Ministers receive their Syrian counterparts in Riyadh.

The security forces in Syria have started a combing operation in two neighborhoods of the city of Homs.قوات-الأمن-في-سوريا-تبدأ-عملية-تمشيط-لحيين-من-أحياء-مدينة-حم The security forces in Syria have started a combing operation in the city of Homs in the middle of the country targeting the neighborhoodsThe security forces in Syria have started a combing operation in two neighborhoods of the city of Homs.

Deputy Director of the Ḥizb Allah’s Executive Committee: “Pledge and commitment” project by the Resistance for reconstruction.نائب-رئيس-المجلس-التنفيذي-في-حزب-الله—وعد-والتزام–مشروع-ا Aš-Šayh ‘Alī Dama‘ūš announces the start of the “Pledge and Commitment” project for reconstructing what the Zionist aggression against Lebanon had destroyed and putsDeputy Director of the Ḥizb Allah’s Executive Committee: “Pledge and commitment” project by the Resistance for reconstruction.