He oversaw the foundation the development and the leadership of the ar-Riḍwān Force. Who is Martyr Commander Ibrāhīm Muḥammad ‘Aqīl? (Video).

https://www.almayadeen.net/news/politics/ The war correspondence of the Lebanese Islamic Resistance – Ḥizb Allah – publishes a video covering the life of leading war commander al-Ḥāğğ IbrāhīmHe oversaw the foundation the development and the leadership of the ar-Riḍwān Force. Who is Martyr Commander Ibrāhīm Muḥammad ‘Aqīl? (Video).

The Iraqi Ḥizb Allah Battalions announce the martyrdom of one of its advisors in Syria in an Israeli aggression.

https://www.almayadeen.net/news/politics/كتائب-حزب-الله-العراق-تعلن-استشهاد-أحد-مستشارييها-في-سوريا-ب The Iraqi Ḥizb Allah Battalions mourn martyr Abū Ḥaydar al-Haffāğī who had taken part in combatting the extremist groups and protecting the holy placesThe Iraqi Ḥizb Allah Battalions announce the martyrdom of one of its advisors in Syria in an Israeli aggression.

Major General Salāmī in a message to as-Sayyid Naṣr Allah: “Israel” will face a crushing response.

https://www.almayadeen.net/news/politics/اللواء-سلامي-في-رسالة-للسيد-نصر-الله—إسرائيل–ستواجه-ردا-س Commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards in a message to Secretary General of Ḥizb Allah confirmed that “Israel” will face a crushing response andMajor General Salāmī in a message to as-Sayyid Naṣr Allah: “Israel” will face a crushing response.

Barrī and Mīqātī to Macron: a decisive stance has to be made about the Israeli aggression.

https://www.almayadeen.net/news/politics/بري-وميقاتي-لماكرون–لاتخاذ-موقف-حازم-من-العدوان-الإسرائيلي Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament Nabīh Barrī and acting head of government Nağīb Mīqātī held a telephone conversation with French President Emmanuel Macron andBarrī and Mīqātī to Macron: a decisive stance has to be made about the Israeli aggression.

The Iranian embassy in Lebanon denies the rumors about the severe injury of Ambassador Amānī: His condition is good and stabile.

https://www.almayadeen.net/news/politics/السفارة-الإيرانية-في-لبنان-تنفي-الشائعات-حول-الإصابة-الحرجة The Iranian embassy in Lebanon confirms the stabile health condition of Ambassador Moğtabā Amānī after his injury in an Israeli electronic aggression in Lebanon.The Iranian embassy in Lebanon denies the rumors about the severe injury of Ambassador Amānī: His condition is good and stabile.

Lebanon: Hundreds of citizens injured in the explosion of wireless devices. Calls the medical teams to be on alert.

https://www.almayadeen.net/news/politics/لبنان–إصابة-مواطنين-في-انفجار-أجهزة-اتصال-لاسلكية—ودعوات The official Lebanese authorities call upon the citizens to distance themselves from the Pager devices and give way on the roads for the movementLebanon: Hundreds of citizens injured in the explosion of wireless devices. Calls the medical teams to be on alert.

Ḥizb Allah: we hold the Israeli enemy responsible for the criminal aggression and will gain its just punishment.

https://www.almayadeen.net/news/politics/حزب-الله–نحمل-العدو-الإسرائيلي-المسؤولية-عن-العدوان-الإجرام Ḥizb Allah holds the Israeli Occupation fully responsible for the criminal aggression that was carried out by exploding pager wireless devices in a numberḤizb Allah: we hold the Israeli enemy responsible for the criminal aggression and will gain its just punishment.

Confirming that “what is coming is greater”, as-Sayyid al-Ḥūtī the reveals details of the special operation that had targeted “Tel Aviv”.

https://www.almayadeen.net/news/politics/مؤكدا-أن-القادم-أعظم—السيد-الحوثي-يكشف-تفاصيل-عن-العملية-ا Leader of the Anṣār Allah Movement as-Sayyid ‘Abd al-Malik al-Ḥūtī confirms that the operation on Sunday that had been carried out with high technologyConfirming that “what is coming is greater”, as-Sayyid al-Ḥūtī the reveals details of the special operation that had targeted “Tel Aviv”.

Yemeni Defense Minister and Chief of Staff: The upcoming days hold surprises that “Israel” will not expect.

https://www.almayadeen.net/news/politics/وزير-الدفاع-اليمني-ورئيس-الأركان–الأيام-المقبلة-تحمل-مفاجآت Major General Muḥammad al-‘Āṭifī and Major General Muḥammad al-Ġamārī confirm that the Yemeni Armed Forces will respond with “an iron grip” and that YemenYemeni Defense Minister and Chief of Staff: The upcoming days hold surprises that “Israel” will not expect.

Ethiopia takes control over airports in Southern Jubaland Province of Somalia.

https://www.almayadeen.net/news/politics/إثيوبيا-تسيطر-على-مطارات-في-ولاية-جوبالاند-جنوبي-الصومال In a striking step within the Ethiopian-Somalian struggle from one side and the Ethiopian-Egyptian one on the other Addis Ababa prevents the arrival ofEthiopia takes control over airports in Southern Jubaland Province of Somalia.