سياسة/338477/صحيفة-كويتية-اميركا-تخطط-لتنفيذ-انقلاب-عسكري-في-ال 08:16 | 2020-03-22 A Kuwaiti newspaper reported today, on Sunday, that the United States plans to perform a military coup in Iraq, pointing “A Kuwaiti newspaper: America plans to perform a military coup in Iraq”
Category: Arab Press
Who is Na ‘īm al-Suhayl, the ‘biggest mistake’ to be the head of the Iraq government?من-هو-نعیم-السهیل-الأكثر-حظاً-لرئاسة-الحكومة-العراقية؟ 15 March 2020, Sunday, 03:59 Greenwich time Na‘īm as-Suhayl is a Sheikh of the Banī Tamīm tribe, one of the many in Iraq. “Who is Na ‘īm al-Suhayl, the ‘biggest mistake’ to be the head of the Iraq government?”
American breach of the international law against the Syrian lands.انتهاك-أمريكي-للقانون-الدولي-على-الأراضي-السورية 15 March 2020, Sunday, 04:10 Greenwich time The occupying American forces entered a new convoy of truck delivering military reinforcements and logistical equipment “American breach of the international law against the Syrian lands.”
The American troops withdraw from the strategic al-Qā’im Base.القوات-الأمريكية-تنسحب-من-قاعدة-القائم-الاستراتيجية 18 March 2020, Wednesday, 02:19 Greenwich time The occupying International Coalition lead by the United States withdrew from the strategic “al-Qā’im Base” situating “The American troops withdraw from the strategic al-Qā’im Base.”
Look, Qatari official runs away from the studio because of a sneeze.شاهد-مسؤول-قطري-يهرب-من-الاستوديو-بسبب-عطسة 17 March 2020, Tuesday, 06:55 Greenwich time A video got spread around the social media about how an official of the Qatari Ministry “Look, Qatari official runs away from the studio because of a sneeze.”
“Yemeni Health”: The government of Hādī and the Coalition once again bring death of Yemen by the “Corona”الصحة-اليمنية—حكومة-هادي-والتحالف-يجلبان-الموت-لليمن-مرة March 16, 2020, 00:05 al-Mayadeen net Yusaf al-Ḥāḍirī, the spokesman of the Yemeni Ministry of Health in Sana’a says that “the random measures ““Yemeni Health”: The government of Hādī and the Coalition once again bring death of Yemen by the “Corona””
The Yemeni Armed Forces thwart a fighting squadron of the Saudi Coalition made up by F15 jets.القوات-المسلحة-اليمنية-تتصدى-لتشكيل-قتالي-للتحالف-السعودي-من March 17, 2020, 09:35 al-Mayadeen net A Yemeni military source reports 165 breaches by the numerous forces of the Coalition in al-Ḥudayda in “The Yemeni Armed Forces thwart a fighting squadron of the Saudi Coalition made up by F15 jets.”
American and British forces enter ‘Adan in the south of Yemen.قوات-أميركية-وبريطانيا-تدخل-عدن-جنوب-اليمن 12 March 2020, Thursday, 06:14 Greenwich time A high leading member in the so called Interim Council, which is being supported by the “American and British forces enter ‘Adan in the south of Yemen.”
Are we facing an emerging new Syrian-Egyptian-Algerian triple against Turkey?هل-نحن-أمام-محور-ثلاثي-مصري-جزائري-سوري-يتبلور-ضد-تركيا؟ 12 March 2020, Thursday, 10:50 Greenwich time The “Ra’y al-Yawn” newspaper wrote an article today, in which it said: “it seems the the “Are we facing an emerging new Syrian-Egyptian-Algerian triple against Turkey?”
A military source reveals the truth about the secret visit of “Ḥaftar” to Syria!مصدر-عسكري-يكشف-حقيقة-زيارة-سرية-لـ-حفتر-إلى-سوريا 10 March 2020, Tuesday, 07:07 Greenwich time A high level military source belonging to the forces of Ḥaftar has commented on the recurring “A military source reveals the truth about the secret visit of “Ḥaftar” to Syria!”