تأسيس-العصائب-الحمراء-في-سوريا–لديها-200-مسلَّح 19 May 2020, Tuesday, 09:49 Greenwich time The “Hay’at Taḥrīr aš-Šām” terrorist organization [the former name was the an-Nuṣra Front, local branch of “The formation of the “Red Headbands” in Syria… It has 200 fighters.”
Category: Arab Press
Ḥātamī to his Iraqi colleague: Our relations can become an exampleحاتمي-لنظيره-العراقي Writer: al-Mayadeen net Source: al-Mayadeen 17 May 13:28 Iranian Defense Minister General Amīr Ḥātamī says to his Iraqi colleague that the relations between “Ḥātamī to his Iraqi colleague: Our relations can become an example”
The Transitional Council announces the apprehension of a Division Commander among the forces of President Hādī in Abyanالمجلس-الانتقالي-يعلن-أسر-قائد-لواء-في-قوات-الرئيس-هادي-في-أ Writer: al-Mayadeen net Source: al-Mayadeen 16 May 17:51 The Southern Transitional Council supported by the Emirates announces it took the Commander of “The Transitional Council announces the apprehension of a Division Commander among the forces of President Hādī in Abyan”
Saudi Arabia kicks out Hādī and his mercenaries from their hotel.شاهد–السعودية-تطرد-هادي-ومرتزقته-من-فنادقها 14 May 2020, Thursday, 06:03 Greenwich time Yemeni sources have reported that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia informed the entourage of the resigned “Saudi Arabia kicks out Hādī and his mercenaries from their hotel.”
The parties confirm their complete refusal “for any Turkish activity on Tunisian soil”.أحزاب-تؤكد-رفضها-المطلق-لأي-نشاط-تركي-على-الأراضي-التونسية Saturday, 09 May 2020, 15:39 A number of parties have expressed their complete refusal “to any Turkish activity on Tunisian soil” to support “The parties confirm their complete refusal “for any Turkish activity on Tunisian soil”.”
Aš-Šādlī al-Qulaybī rests at God.الشاذلي-القليبي-في-ذمة-الله? Wednesday, 13 May 2020, 12:08 Today, this Wednesday morning aš-Šādlī al-Qulaybī (al-Qlībī) has passed away in his home at the outskirts of Carthage “Aš-Šādlī al-Qulaybī rests at God.”
Ẓarīf: The Americans cannot be trusted and they have to change their behavior.ظريف–لا-يمكن-الثقة-بالأميركيين-وعليهم-تغيير-سلوكهم Writer: al-Mayadeen net Source: al-Mayadeen + agencies 12 May 11:10 Iranian Foreign Minister Muḥammad Ğavād Ẓarīf discussed the matter of prisoners exchange “Ẓarīf: The Americans cannot be trusted and they have to change their behavior.”
A spoken message from the Emir of Kuwait to the Emir of Qatar.رسالة-شفوية-من-أمير-الكويت-الى-أمير-قطر 11 May 2020, Monday, 06:17 Greenwich time The Emir of Qatar Sheikh “Tamīm ibn Ḥamad Āl Tānī” has received Sunday night a message “A spoken message from the Emir of Kuwait to the Emir of Qatar.”
The Iraqi presidential office reveals more details about the phone call of Rōḥānī to al-Kāẓimī.رئاسة-الوزراء-العراقية-تكشف-تفاصيل-اتصال-روحاني-بالكاظمي 11 May 2020, Monday, 01:18 Greenwich time Iraqi Head of Cabinet Muṣṭafā al-Kāẓimī received a telephone call from Iranian President Ḥasan Rōḥānī, in “The Iraqi presidential office reveals more details about the phone call of Rōḥānī to al-Kāẓimī.”
America revokes further Patriot batteries from Saudia and the Middle East. Writer: al-Mayadeen net Source: Bloomberg 09 May 13:49 “In consequence of the diminishing crisis with Iran experienced previously this year”, Bloomberg reveals “America revokes further Patriot batteries from Saudia and the Middle East.”