بكين:-على-العالم-التحرك-بشكل-عاجل-لوقف-الأزمة-الإنسانية-في-غ Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi calls for claiming the situation in Gaza rapidly and to restore peace in the Middle East as soon as “Beijing: The whole world has to move immediately to stop the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.“
Author: Amaraia Staff
Amos Yadlin: Naṣr Allah has the upper hand in the North and Ḥizb Allah is depleting the “army”.عاموس-يدلين–يد-نصر-الله-هي-العليا-في-الشمال-وحزب-الله-يستنز Former Director of the Israeli Military Intelligence Amos Yadlin confirms that “Ḥizb Allah is waging a war of attrition against us and “made tens “Amos Yadlin: Naṣr Allah has the upper hand in the North and Ḥizb Allah is depleting the “army”.“
Qaānī to aḍ-Ḍayf: The Axis of Resistance will not allow the enemy to isolate Gaza and achieve its goals in Palestine.قاآني-للضيف–محور-المقاومة-لن-يسمح-للعدو-بالاستفراد-بغزة-وتح Commander of the Jerusalem Forces in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards General Esmā‘īl Qaānī sends a message to the General Commander of the ‘Izz ad-Dīn “Qaānī to aḍ-Ḍayf: The Axis of Resistance will not allow the enemy to isolate Gaza and achieve its goals in Palestine.“
A delegation from the Iranian Central Bank in Riyadh. Talks about enhancing the banking relations.وفد-البنك-المركزي-الإيراني-في-الرياض-محادثات-لتعزيز-العلاقات Deputy Director of the Iranian Central Bank Moḥammad Ārām is on the way to Riyadh with a delegation by the directors of the Central “A delegation from the Iranian Central Bank in Riyadh. Talks about enhancing the banking relations.“
The admissions of the Israeli spy captive in Iraq: I instigated the protests in October, but my government did not ask for me.اعترافات-جاسوسة-إسرائيلية-أسرت-في-العراق–أججت-تظاهرات-تشرين Israeli spy captive in Iraq Elizabeth Tsurkov admits that she had been working for the interests of the Israeli Mossad Agency and the American “The admissions of the Israeli spy captive in Iraq: I instigated the protests in October, but my government did not ask for me.“
“The most heated day in the North”. Ḥizb Allan sends warnings to Gallant all along the wall.اليوم-الأكثر-اشتعالا-في-الشمال—-حزب-الله-يضرب-تحذيرات-غال The Israeli media points out that the attacks of Ḥizb Allah are a shameful mark on the Israeli national level and the Islamic Resistance ““The most heated day in the North”. Ḥizb Allan sends warnings to Gallant all along the wall.“
Sana’a: Shooting down an American plane is a message to Washington that we will fulfill our responsibilities towards Palestine.صنعاء–إسقاط-الطائرة-الأميركية-رسالة-إلى-واشنطن—وسنتحمل-مس Official spokesman of the Anṣār Allah Movement Muḥammad ‘Abd as-Salām says that Yemen will fulfill its responsibilities towards Gaza whatever the cost may be. “Sana’a: Shooting down an American plane is a message to Washington that we will fulfill our responsibilities towards Palestine.“
Al-Haṣāwana: Jordan will consider the attempts to expel the Palestinians from Gaza, or the West Bank “declaration of war”.الخصاونة:-محاولات-تهجير-الفلسطينيين-من-غزة-أو-الضفة-سيعتبرها Jordanian Prime Minister Bišr al-Haṣāwana says that any attempt, or creation of circumstances to expel the Palestinians from Gaza, or the West Bank is “Al-Haṣāwana: Jordan will consider the attempts to expel the Palestinians from Gaza, or the West Bank “declaration of war”.“
Amīr ‘Abdollahiyān: the escalation of the Israeli aggression against Gaza will inevitably expand the scope of the conflict.أمير-عبد-اللهيان–زيادة-حدة-العدوان-الإسرائيلي-على-غزة-يجعل Iranian Foreign Minister Ḥosseyn Amīr ‘Abdollahiyān confirms that the expansion of the Israeli war against Gaza to involve the whole region has become inevitable “Amīr ‘Abdollahiyān: the escalation of the Israeli aggression against Gaza will inevitably expand the scope of the conflict.“
Sana’a: Drone attacks against sensitive Israeli targets.صنعاء–إطلاق-دفعة-من-الطائرات-المسيرة-على-أهداف-حساسة-في-الأ The Yemeni Armed Forces launched a series of drones during the last few hours against various sensitive targets of the Israeli Occupation in the “Sana’a: Drone attacks against sensitive Israeli targets.“