Iraqi Kurdistan: Missile bombardment hits a Turkish military base in Dahūk.كردستان-العراق:-قصف-صاروخي-يستهدف-قاعدة-عسكرية-تركية-في-دهوك Source: al-Mayadeen net + Agencies               22 April 14:53 Missile bombardment hits a Turkish military base in Dahūk in the Iraqi Kurdistan region. Today, on “Iraqi Kurdistan: Missile bombardment hits a Turkish military base in Dahūk.”

Al-Ğūlānī started to hand over wanted foreign people to Turkey.الجولاني-يبدأ-بتسليم-مطلوبين-أجانب-إلى-تركيا Sā’ir Aslīm – Syria        Source: al-Mayadeen net                     20 April 16:25 The “Hay’at Taḥrīr aš-Šām” started to hand over some foreign detainees to the “Al-Ğūlānī started to hand over wanted foreign people to Turkey.”

Egypt: The Court of Appeals confirmed the life sentence for the “leader of the Brotherhood” and others.مصر:-محكمة-النقض-تثبت-السجن-المؤبد-على-مرشد-الإخوان-وآخرين Source: Agencies                     20 April 16:44 The Egyptian Court of Appeals sustains the life imprisonment sentence for the overall leader of the Muslim Brotherhood Muḥammad “Egypt: The Court of Appeals confirmed the life sentence for the “leader of the Brotherhood” and others.”

Ad-Dabība handed over Tabbūn an elections roadmap and is looking forward to regional and international support.الدبيبة-يسلم-تبون-خطة-الانتخابات-ويتطلع-إلى-دعم-إقليمي-ودولي Source: Agencies                     18 April 23:24 The Head of the National Unity Government ‘Abd al-Ḥamīd ad-Dabība during his meeting with Algerian President ‘Abd al-Mağīd Tabbūn “Ad-Dabība handed over Tabbūn an elections roadmap and is looking forward to regional and international support.”

Turkey launches a military operation against the Kurdistani Workers’ Party in Northern Iraq.تركيا-تطلق-عملية-عسكرية-ضد-حزب-العمال-الكردستاني-شمال-العراق Source: al-Mayadeen net + Agencies 18 April 08:46 Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar announces an air and land military operation being launched against the “Turkey launches a military operation against the Kurdistani Workers’ Party in Northern Iraq.”

Al-Kāẓimī delegates a work group to Iran about supplying Iraq with natural gas.الكاظمي-يوفد-فريق-عمل-إلى-إيران-بشأن-تجهيز-العراق-بالغاز Source: Agencies 17 April 18:37 Iraqi Prime Minister Muṣṭafā al-Kāẓimī confirms that “an Iraqi work group will visit Iran to solve the current complications “Al-Kāẓimī delegates a work group to Iran about supplying Iraq with natural gas.”

Ra’īsī to the Foreign Minister of Iraq: We want a strong, united Iraq without anything jeopardizing its security.رئيسي-لوزير-خارجية-العراق:-نريد-عراقا-قويا-وموحدا-وخاليا-مما Source: Agencies                     14 April 16:13 Iranian President Ebrāhīm Ra’īsī welcomes Iraqi Foreign Minister Fu’ād Ḥussayn and confirms that “the relations between the two countries “Ra’īsī to the Foreign Minister of Iraq: We want a strong, united Iraq without anything jeopardizing its security.”

A Mauritanian minister confirms that citizens were killed at the border with Western Sahara.وزير-موريتاني-يؤكد-مقتل-مواطنين-عند-الحدود-مع-الصحراء-الغربي Source: Agencies                     14 April 09:01 Mauritania announces that citizens were killed in the region that lies along the border with Western Sahara and there “A Mauritanian minister confirms that citizens were killed at the border with Western Sahara.”

Washington to Šahbāz Šarīf: We strive to continue the old cooperation with Pakistan.واشنطن-لشهباز-شريف:-نسعى-لمواصلة-التعاون-القديم-مع-باكستان Source: Agencies                     14 April 09:08 American State Secretary Antony Blinken congratulates Prime Minister Šahbāz Šarīf for his recent election and confirms that his country “Washington to Šahbāz Šarīf: We strive to continue the old cooperation with Pakistan.”