عدوان-أميركي-بريطاني-جديد-يستهدف-مدنا-يمنية The correspondent of al-Mayadeen in Yemen reports that the American-British aggression renews against a number of cities in the country, as the airstrikes target “New American-British aggression targeting the Yemeni cities.“
Author: Amaraia Staff
Iran and Pakistan agree on the return of the ambassadors of the two countries to their diplomatic duties.إيران-وباكستان-تتفقان-على-عودة-سفيري-البلدين-إلى-ممارسة-مهام Iranian Foreign Minister Ḥosseyn Amīr ‘Abdollahiyān agrees with his Pakistani counterpart Ğalīl ‘Abbās Ğīlānī on the ambassadors of the two countries returning from to “Iran and Pakistan agree on the return of the ambassadors of the two countries to their diplomatic duties.“
The Iraqi Resistance targets the aš-Šaddādī and the al-‘Umar American bases in Syria.المقاومة-العراقية-تستهدف-قاعدتي-الشدادي-وحقل-العمر-الأميركيت The Iraqi Resistance continues targeting the American military bases in Syria and Iraq in response to the massacres of the Israeli Occupying Entity in “The Iraqi Resistance targets the aš-Šaddādī and the al-‘Umar American bases in Syria.“
Iran: The Revolutionary Guards announces the loss of the fifth martyr in the Israeli aggression against Syria.إيران–حرس-الثورة-يعلن-ارتقاء-شهيد-خامس-في-العدوان-الإسرائيل According to what the Iranian Revolutionary Guards announced the fifth martyr lost his life in the Israeli aggression against Syria, thus being added to “Iran: The Revolutionary Guards announces the loss of the fifth martyr in the Israeli aggression against Syria.“
Pakistan: Iran is a friendly state and we don’t want any escalation with it.باكستان:-إيران-دولة-صديقة-ولا-نريد-أي-تصعيد-معها The Pakistani embassy in Tehran confirms that “Pakistan always stands by Iran”. The Foreign Ministry says that “Iran is a friendly state and we “Pakistan: Iran is a friendly state and we don’t want any escalation with it.“
Sarī‘: The Yemeni forces targeted the American “Kim Ranger” ship achieving direct hits.سريع–القوات-اليمنية-استهدفت-سفينة–كيم-رينجر–الأميركية-محق Official spokesman of the Yemeni Armed Forces Brigadier General Yaḥyā Sarī‘ confirms that the ban of naval movement for the Israeli vessels, or those “Sarī‘: The Yemeni forces targeted the American “Kim Ranger” ship achieving direct hits.“
Egypt warns Ethiopia. The Foreign Minister confirms the full support for Somalia and for its territorial integrity.مصر-تحذر-إثيوبيا—وزير-الخارجية-يؤكد-الدعم-الكامل-للصومال-و Egyptian Foreign Minister Sāmiḥ Šukrī warns from the foolish one-sided policies by Ethiopia contradicting the rules of the international law that, which now aim “Egypt warns Ethiopia. The Foreign Minister confirms the full support for Somalia and for its territorial integrity.“
“We have achieved our aims with precision”. The Revolutionary Guards in Iran reveals the details of the operation in Erbil and Idlib.حققت-أهدافها-بدقة-حرس-الثورة-في-إيران-يكشف-تفاصيل-عملية-أربي The Iranian Revolutionary Guards announce the details of its operations against one of the main Mossad bases in Erbil in Iraqi Kurdistan and against ““We have achieved our aims with precision”. The Revolutionary Guards in Iran reveals the details of the operation in Erbil and Idlib.“
Sarī‘: The armed forces targeted an American ship close to Aden. It achieves a direct hit.سريع–القوات-المسلحة-استهدفت-سفينة-أميركية-قرب-عدن—وحققت-إ The Yemeni Armed Forces targets an American ship in the Gulf of Aden by a number of naval missiles supporting the Gaza Strip and “Sarī‘: The armed forces targeted an American ship close to Aden. It achieves a direct hit.“
Saudi Arabia: We are worried about the airstrikes in Yemen. We. Call for exercising patience and not the escalate.السعودية–قلقون-من-الغارات-على-اليمن—وندعو-إلى-ضبط-النفس-و The Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirms that the Kingdom “follows the military operation with great concern that are witnessed in the region of “Saudi Arabia: We are worried about the airstrikes in Yemen. We. Call for exercising patience and not the escalate.“