The security forces in Syria have started a combing operation in two neighborhoods of the city of Homs.قوات-الأمن-في-سوريا-تبدأ-عملية-تمشيط-لحيين-من-أحياء-مدينة-حم The security forces in Syria have started a combing operation in the city of Homs in the middle of the country targeting the neighborhoodsThe security forces in Syria have started a combing operation in two neighborhoods of the city of Homs.

Deputy Director of the Ḥizb Allah’s Executive Committee: “Pledge and commitment” project by the Resistance for reconstruction.نائب-رئيس-المجلس-التنفيذي-في-حزب-الله—وعد-والتزام–مشروع-ا Aš-Šayh ‘Alī Dama‘ūš announces the start of the “Pledge and Commitment” project for reconstructing what the Zionist aggression against Lebanon had destroyed and putsDeputy Director of the Ḥizb Allah’s Executive Committee: “Pledge and commitment” project by the Resistance for reconstruction.

‘Arāqčī in response to the Arab League: Iran wishes to achieve calm and the prevention of clashes in Syria.عراقتشي-ردا-على-جامعة-الدول-العربية–إيران-ترغب-في-تحقيق-اله Iranian Foreign Minister ‘Abbās ‘Arāqčī responds to the accusations of the Arab League General Secretariat against Tehran “inciting division in Syria”. 27 December Iranian‘Arāqčī in response to the Arab League: Iran wishes to achieve calm and the prevention of clashes in Syria.

Syria: 14 members of the security forces killed in clashes in rural Ṭarṭūs.سوريا–مقتل-14-عنصرا-من-القوات-الأمنية-في-اشتباكات-في-ريف-طر 17 people, including members of the General Security Forces of the new Syrian administration were killed in clashes in the southern rural areas ofSyria: 14 members of the security forces killed in clashes in rural Ṭarṭūs.

The Yemeni Armed Forces: with drones… we have hit two Israeli targets in the occupied Jaffa and Ascalon.القوات-المسلحة-اليمنية–بالمسيرات—ضربنا-هدفين-إسرائيليين-ف The Yemeni Armed Forces announced carrying out two successful military operations using drones against two targets of the Israeli Occupation in the occupied JaffaThe Yemeni Armed Forces: with drones… we have hit two Israeli targets in the occupied Jaffa and Ascalon.

Syria: Demonstrations in a number of cities protesting against the burning of shrine of the founder of the ‘Alawī faith in Aleppo.سوريا–تظاهرات-في-عدة-مدن-احتجاجا-على-حرق-مقام-مؤسس-المذهب-ا Hundreds of demonstrators took to the streets in Latakia, Ṭaṭūs, Homs and Ḥamā protesting against the burning of the shrine of aš-Šayh Abī ‘AbdSyria: Demonstrations in a number of cities protesting against the burning of shrine of the founder of the ‘Alawī faith in Aleppo.

Bāsīl: The occupied Šib‘ā is Lebanese land… we will not present gifts to the new order in Syria.باسيل–مزارع-شبعا-المحتلة-أرض-لبنانية—ولن-نقدم-الهدايا-للن President of the Free Patriotic Movement MP Ğubrān Bāsīl confirms that the occupied Šib‘ā Farms are Lebanese lands and “are not for negotiations orBāsīl: The occupied Šib‘ā is Lebanese land… we will not present gifts to the new order in Syria.

Aš-Šara‘: There must be a strategic relation between Damascus and Ankara… the institutions are to be restructured in Syria.الشرع-وفيدان–لعلاقة-استراتيجية-بين-دمشق-وأنقرة—وإعادة-هيك In a press conference in Damascus bringing together the President of the Military Administration in Syria Aḥmad aš-Šara‘ (al-Ğūlānī) and Turkish Foreign Minister HakanAš-Šara‘: There must be a strategic relation between Damascus and Ankara… the institutions are to be restructured in Syria.

Sarī‘: The Yemeni Armed Forces shut down an American F-18 plane and target a carrier on the Red Sea.سريع–القوات-المسلحة-اليمنية-تسقط-طائرة–أف-18–أميركية-وتست In a noteworthy escalation, for the first time the Yemeni Armed Forces in a special operation shut down and American F-18 warplane, while alsoSarī‘: The Yemeni Armed Forces shut down an American F-18 plane and target a carrier on the Red Sea.

Israeli media: repairing the Syrian Army will cost hundreds of billions and will last for a whole generation.إعلام-إسرائيلي–ترميم-الجيش-السوري-سيكلف-مئات-المليارات—وس The Israeli Wallah website says that rebuilding the Syrian Army’s capabilities “will require a long time and a lot of money”. This came afterIsraeli media: repairing the Syrian Army will cost hundreds of billions and will last for a whole generation.