وزير-المالية-السعودي–استثمرنا-أكثر-من-770-مليار-دولار-في-أم The Saudi Finance Minister confirms what the Crown Prince said about the intention of his country to increase the investments with the United States “Saudi Finance Minister: We have invested more than $770 billion in America and aim for more.“
Category: Arab Press
Syria: The government ended a contract with a Russian company that was operating the port of Ṭarṭūs.سوريا–الحكومة-أنهت-عقدا-مع-شركة-روسية-كانت-تدير-ميناء-طرطوس The Syrian government ended a contract with a Russian company that was operating the port of Ṭarṭūs and conformed the revenues of the port “Syria: The government ended a contract with a Russian company that was operating the port of Ṭarṭūs.“
Syrian Foreign Ministry: We plan to privatize the state owned ports and factories.وزير-الخارجية-السوري–نخطط-لخصخصة-الموانئ-والمصانع-المملوكة Syrian Foreign Minister As‘ad aš-Šaybānī confirms that his government plans to privatize the ports and factories and encourage foreign investments. 22 January Syrian Foreign “Syrian Foreign Ministry: We plan to privatize the state owned ports and factories.“
After being repelled by the army in Dārfūr the armed members of the “Rapid Support” flee to Libya and Chad.بعد-صدهم-من-قبل-الجيش-بدارفور—مسلحون-من–الدعم-السريع–يفر The Sudanese Army announces repelling the “Rapid Support Forces” along the borders with Libya and Chad and reveal that the Emirates have prepared few “After being repelled by the army in Dārfūr the armed members of the “Rapid Support” flee to Libya and Chad.“
Aḥmad aš-Šara‘ (al-Ğūlānī): Syria is ready to receive U.N. troops in the separation zone to protect it.أحمد-الشرع–الجولاني—سوريا-مستعدة-لاستقبال-قوات-أممية-في-ا Aḥmad aš-Šara‘ (al-Ğūlānī) announces the readiness of Syria to receive U.N. troops in the “separation zone” in Southern Syria. 16 January The leader of “Aḥmad aš-Šara‘ (al-Ğūlānī): Syria is ready to receive U.N. troops in the separation zone to protect it.“
“Reuters”: The new Syrian authorities detain an Egyptian after he posted videos threatening the government in Cairo.رويترز—سلطات-سوريا-الجديدة-تعتقل-مصريا-بعد-نشره-فيديوهات The Reuters cites sources that the new Syrian authorities have detained the Egyptian Aḥmad al-Manṣūr for his threats airing on social media against government ““Reuters”: The new Syrian authorities detain an Egyptian after he posted videos threatening the government in Cairo.“
Announcing a ceasefire in Gaza… the implementation starts on Sunday.الإعلان-عن-وقف-إطلاق-النار-في-غزة—وتنفيذ-الاتفاق-يبدأ-الأح Qatar announces reaching a ceasefire agreement in Gaza, thought its implementation starts on Monday. 15 January Qatari Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs “Announcing a ceasefire in Gaza… the implementation starts on Sunday.“
Libya: Renewed demands to account those involved in the “al-Manqūš – Cohen” meeting.ليبيا–تجدد-المطالبات-بمحاسبة-المتورطين-في-لقاء–المنقوش—ك The Libyan Coordination of Political Parties and Blocks demand the Prosecutor General to investigate the implications of the statements of former Foreign Minister Nağlā “Libya: Renewed demands to account those involved in the “al-Manqūš – Cohen” meeting.“
Kremlin: the “Comprehensive Partnership” agreement between Moscow and Tehran will be signed on 17 January.الكرملين–اتفاقية-الاستراتيجية-الشاملة-بين-موسكو-وطهران-ستوق The Kremlin announces that Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Iranian colleague Mas‘ūd Pezeškiyān are to sign a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement following their “Kremlin: the “Comprehensive Partnership” agreement between Moscow and Tehran will be signed on 17 January.“
Lebanon: The Presidency tasks Nawwāf Salām to form government. The “Loyalty to Resistance”: We demand an agreement based government.لبنان–نواف-سلام-يحصل-على-الأصوات-الكافية-لتشكيل-حكومة—و-ا The Lebanese Presidency tasks Judge Nawwāf Salām to form government after he has was nominated by 85 MPs out of the total 128 during “Lebanon: The Presidency tasks Nawwāf Salām to form government. The “Loyalty to Resistance”: We demand an agreement based government.“