The American supported “Qasad” shells positions of the Syrian Army in Dayr az-Zūr.قسد–المدعومة-أميركيا-تقصف-نقاطا-تابعة-للجيش-السوري-في-دير In light of the disturbances that the region is witnessing the United States of America is pushing the groups under its control to tryThe American supported “Qasad” shells positions of the Syrian Army in Dayr az-Zūr.

Tunisia: The Electoral Institution accepts three candidates for the presidential campaign.تونس–هيئة-الانتخابات-تقبل-ثلاثة-مرشحين-للسباق-الرئاسي The Tunisian Independent Supreme Electoral Institution accepts the names of only three candidates for the presidential campaign from among 17 requests, while a numberTunisia: The Electoral Institution accepts three candidates for the presidential campaign.

American soldiers got wounded in a missile attack against the “ ‘Ayn al-Asad” base in Iraq.العراق–استهداف-قاعدة–عين-الأسد–بصاروخين-وطائرة-مسيرة With the continuation of the aggression against Gaza and the unlimited American support for the Israeli Occupation, an attack targeting the American forces inAmerican soldiers got wounded in a missile attack against the “ ‘Ayn al-Asad” base in Iraq.

Shoygu from Tehran: Those committed the crime of assassinating Haniyya aim to increase the tension in the region.شويغو-من-طهران–مرتكبو-جريمة-اغتيال-هنية-يسعون-لزيادة-التوتر Iranian officials receive Secretly-General of the Russian Security Council Sergei Shoygu and his accompanying delegation. The discussion addressed the bilateral cooperation in the fieldsShoygu from Tehran: Those committed the crime of assassinating Haniyya aim to increase the tension in the region.

Pezeškiyān receiving aṣ-Ṣafadī: The assassination of Haniyya will not remain without response.بزشكيان-مستقبلا-الصفدي–اغتيال-هنية-لن-يمر-دون-رد Iranian President Mas‘ūd Pezeškiyān received Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman aṣ-Ṣafadī and underlines the position of Iran to respond to the crime of the IsraeliPezeškiyān receiving aṣ-Ṣafadī: The assassination of Haniyya will not remain without response.

The Jordanian Foreign Minister from Iran: We demand swift action to stop the illegal Israeli actions.وزير-خارجية-الأردن-من-إيران–نطالب-بتحرك-عاجل-لوقف-الخطوات-ا Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman aṣ-Ṣafadī visits the Iranian capital Tehran and delivers a message from King ‘Abd Allah II. to Iranian President Pezeškiyān aboutThe Jordanian Foreign Minister from Iran: We demand swift action to stop the illegal Israeli actions.

Lebanon: including an Iranian advisor, 7 martyrs in the Israeli aggression against the Southern Suburb.لبنان–بينهم-مستشار-إيراني—7-شهداء-في-العدوان-الإسرائيلي-ع The toll of the Israeli aggression against a residential building in the Southern Suburb of Beirut has risen to 7 martyrs, including the seniorLebanon: including an Iranian advisor, 7 martyrs in the Israeli aggression against the Southern Suburb.

Sudan: al-Burhān surviving an assassination attempt by a drone in the east of the country.السودان–نجاة-البرهان-من-محاولة-اغتيال-بمسيرة-شرقي-البلاد President of the Sudanese Transitional Sovereignty Council ‘Abd al-Fattāḥ al-Burhān survived an assassination attempt by a drone while participating in a graduation ceremony ofSudan: al-Burhān surviving an assassination attempt by a drone in the east of the country.

As-Sayyid Hāmeneī: the vengeance for the blood of Haniyya is a duty to Iran, since he got martyred on our land.السيد-خامنئي–الثأر-لدماء-هنية-واجب-إيران-لأنه-استشهد-على-أر Leader of the Iranian Islamic Revolution and Islamic Republic as-Sayyid ‘Alī Hāmeneī vows to respond to the crime of assassinating the President of theAs-Sayyid Hāmeneī: the vengeance for the blood of Haniyya is a duty to Iran, since he got martyred on our land.

An Iranian source to al-Mayadeen: the assassination of Haniyya was done from a country to a country.مصدر-إيراني-للميادين–اغتيال-هنية-تم-من-بلد-إلى-بلد A special Iranian source to al-Mayadeen reveals details about the assassination of martyr leader Ismā‘īl Haniyya and the designated Iranian authorities investigate the situationAn Iranian source to al-Mayadeen: the assassination of Haniyya was done from a country to a country.