وزير-دفاع-حكومة-صنعاء–ردنا-سيكون-استراتيجيا-وحاسما—وسنتصد Defense Minister of the government in Sana’a points out the studying of all the military options and the preparations for the definite response to “Defense Minister of the government oil Sana’a: Our response will be strategic and decisive. We shall thwart the American movements.“
Category: Arab Press
To the lies of the Occupation, as-Sayyid Naṣr Allah reveals the details of “Operation Fortieth Day” and its main goal.مفندا-أكاذيب-الاحتلال—السيد-نصر-الله-يكشف-تفاصيل–عملية-ال Secretary General of Ḥizb Allah as-Sayyid Ḥasan Naṣr Allah announces the name “Operation Fortieth Day” was designated to the response the Islamic Resistance carried “To the lies of the Occupation, as-Sayyid Naṣr Allah reveals the details of “Operation Fortieth Day” and its main goal.“
Widespread Israeli aggression against Southern Lebanonعدوان-إسرائيلي-واسع-على-جنوب-لبنان—والمقاومة-ترد-بالصواريخ The Occupation launches a wide and aggressive attack against a large number of regions in Southern Lebanon. 25 August On Sunday dawn the Israeli “Widespread Israeli aggression against Southern Lebanon“
The port of Ashdod loses more than $7 million during the first half of the year 2024.ميناء–أسدود–يخسر-أكثر-من-7-ملايين-دولار-خلال-النصف-الأول-م The Israeli media points out that the port of Ashdod suffers scandalous losses because of the ongoing war against the Gaza Strip. 21 August “The port of Ashdod loses more than $7 million during the first half of the year 2024.“
They know about “Israel” more than we know… the Iranian electrons attacks have become more developed.يل The British “The Economist” magazine cites the Director of the National Directorate for Electronic Security in “Israel” that the Iranian “pirates” infiltrated the Israeli “They know about “Israel” more than we know… the Iranian electrons attacks have become more developed.“
A martyr and burned houses and cars… bloody attacks by the settlers in Qalqīliyya.شهيد-وحرق-منازل-وسيارات—اعتداءات-دموية-للمستوطنين-في-قلقيل A Palestinian got martyred and other injured following an attack of the Israeli settlers against the village of Ğīt in Qalqīliyya in the north “A martyr and burned houses and cars… bloody attacks by the settlers in Qalqīliyya.“
The Qatari Foreign Minister to Bāqerī Konī: the results of this phase of the negotiations are “sensitive”.وزير-الخارجية-القطري-لباقري-كني–نتائج-هذه-المرحلة-من-المفاو Acting Iranian Foreign Minister ‘Alī Bāqerī Konī discusses the developments of the negotiations to stop the crimes of the Israeli Occupation in the Gaza “The Qatari Foreign Minister to Bāqerī Konī: the results of this phase of the negotiations are “sensitive”.“
As-Sayyid Hāmeneī: The grasp of the enemies is not as strong as it is propagated. Leader of the Iranian Islamic Revolution and Republic as-Sayyid ‘Alī Hāmeneī underlines that the aim behind the exaggeration of the enemies’ capabilities is to “As-Sayyid Hāmeneī: The grasp of the enemies is not as strong as it is propagated.“
Putin receiving ‘Abbās: What is happening in the Middle East is not far from Russia’s concerns.بوتين-مستقبلا-عباس–ما-يحدث-في-الشرق-الأوسط-لا-يغيب-عن-اهتما Russian President Vladimir Putin upon welcoming Palestinian President Maḥmūd ‘Abbās in Moscow confirms that his country follows the humanitarian tragedy in Palestine with great “Putin receiving ‘Abbās: What is happening in the Middle East is not far from Russia’s concerns.“
By Russian mediation, Qasad ends the siege of the city centers of al-Ḥasaka and al-Qāmišlī.قسد–المدعومة-أميركيا-تقصف-نقاطا-تابعة-للجيش-السوري-في-دير After the mediation the commander of the Russian forces in Syria Andrey Sirdokov conducted the Qasad ends the siege of the city centers of “By Russian mediation, Qasad ends the siege of the city centers of al-Ḥasaka and al-Qāmišlī.“