حزب-الله-يدك-موقع–2222–في-جبل-الشيخ—ويستهدف-تجمعات-الاحت The Lebanese Islamic Resistance – Ḥizb Allah – blocks the attempts of the Israeli Occupation’s forces to infiltrate at the front lines in the “Ḥizb Allah strikes the “2222th” position on Ğabal aš-Šayh” and targets the convergence of the Occupation at the outskirts of Markabā.“
Category: Arab Press
With the aim to blame the Syrian Army… Russia: The “an-Nuṣra” prepares using poisonous materials in Idlib. Deputy Director of the Russian Reconciliation Center in Syria says that “the Hay’at Taḥrīr aš-Šām” and the “White Helmets” are preparing a provocation operation “With the aim to blame the Syrian Army… Russia: The “an-Nuṣra” prepares using poisonous materials in Idlib.“
“Of them 23 at the Lebanese border”… The Israeli media reports the injury of 26 soldiers during the last few hours.منهم-عند-الحدود-مع-لبنان—-الإعلام-الإسرائيلي-يقر-بإصاب The Israeli media reports the injury of 26 Israeli soldiers during that the last 24 hours and most of them got injured along the ““Of them 23 at the Lebanese border”… The Israeli media reports the injury of 26 soldiers during the last few hours.“
The Occupation reports that a drone from Lebanon directly targeted the house of Netanyahu in Caesarea (video).مسيرة-من-لبنان-تنفجر-قرب-منزل-نتنياهو-في-قيسارية—والاحتلال The Israeli media talks about a drone targeting the home of the Israeli head of government Benjamin Netanyahu in Caesarea and states that Netanyahu “The Occupation reports that a drone from Lebanon directly targeted the house of Netanyahu in Caesarea (video).“
Qālībāf: We support any decision taken by the parliament, to government and the Resistance in Lebanon about the ceasefire.قاليباف–ندعم-أي-قرار-يتخذه-البرلمان-والحكومة-والمقاومة-في-ل Speaker of the Iranian Consultative Assembly Moḥammad Bāqer Qālībāf in his statement to the French Le Figaro reiterates the support of his county to “Qālībāf: We support any decision taken by the parliament, to government and the Resistance in Lebanon about the ceasefire.“
As-Sīsī and Arāqčī: The Israeli crimes in Gaza and Lebanon must be stopped immediately.السيسي-وعراقتشي–لضرورة-وقف-الجرائم-الإسرائيلية-في-غزة-ولبنا Iranian Foreign Minister ‘Abbās ‘Arāqčī during his meeting with Egyptian President ‘Abd al-Fattāḥ as-Sīsī confirms the need to dedicate all diplomatic capabilities to a “As-Sīsī and Arāqčī: The Israeli crimes in Gaza and Lebanon must be stopped immediately.“
The Jordanian king: we will not be an area for the struggle. Arāqčī: we are aiming for solutions without tension in the region.ملك-الأردن–لن-نكون-ساحة-للصراعات—وعراقتشي–نسعى-للحيلولة Iranian Foreign Minister ‘Abbās ‘Arāqčī meets the Jordanian king within his regional journey and calls the regional and Islamic states for cooperation forcing the “The Jordanian king: we will not be an area for the struggle. Arāqčī: we are aiming for solutions without tension in the region.“
Bringing a message from as-Sayyid Hāmeneī, Qālībāf in Beirut: We are with you.حاملا-رسالة-من-السيد-خامنئي—قاليباف-في-بيروت–نحن-معكم Speaker of the Iranian Islamic Consultative Assembly Moḥammad Bāqer Qālībāf is in Beirut by the invitation of Speaker of Parliament Nabīh Barrī and confirms “Bringing a message from as-Sayyid Hāmeneī, Qālībāf in Beirut: We are with you.“
“The Occupation declares a religious war”, aš-Šayh al-Mullā to al-Mayadeen: threatening as-Sayyid as-Sīstānī in the expansion of the war.الاحتلال-يعلن-حربا-دينية—-الشيخ-الملا-للميادين–تهديد-الس After the threats of the Israeli Occupation, Director of the Religious Scholars’s Association of Iraq aš-Šayh Hālid al-Mullā announces his solidarity with as-Sayyid ‘Alī ““The Occupation declares a religious war”, aš-Šayh al-Mullā to al-Mayadeen: threatening as-Sayyid as-Sīstānī in the expansion of the war.“
UNIFIL: Two soldiers of our forces injured by the fire of an Israeli tank at an-Nāqūra in Southern Lebanon.اليونيفيل—إصابة-جنديين-من-قواتنا-بنيران-دبابة-إسرائيلية-ف The “peacekeeping” forces of the United Nations, the UNIFIL says that two of its soldiers got injured in Southern Lebanon after the Israeli forces “UNIFIL: Two soldiers of our forces injured by the fire of an Israeli tank at an-Nāqūra in Southern Lebanon.“