The Amaraia Contemporary Middle East Research Center with its team conducts many researches and not all our work is for publication. At least not instantly. We continuously strive to provide interesting and insightful content on the region. Therefore we publish our work in different programs, in slightly different genres. We plan to do more in time. However, so far we have limited staff, kindly bare with us. Until we can provide more we hope you enjoy what we give now.
Arabic word:
Panorama appears once every month revolves around matters beyond certain countries. Much rather it uncovers trends and motives, which include a number of countries. In a nutshell, inter-Arab politics. In some rare cases we might focus on a certain country, but the aim is to show the Arabic politics in motion, and systematic political or social currents in the region.
We will also provide older, relevant studies by our staff members.
Turkic world:
Turkish eye appears every second Sunday and though mostly focuses on Turkey, the aim is to show the Turkish Republic’s relations with other global and regional player. Mostly in the Middle East, naturally.
We will also provide older, relevant studies by our staff member.
In the gallery we provide relevant documentaries, interviews and local on the ground footages from different Middle Eastern countries. Content, that otherwise would be hard to find, and seldom if every appear in the Western media. We are currently unable to subtitle them, but that is not even our main purpose here. If you understand Turkish, Arabic or Persian, surely you will find eye catching things here. If you don’t, don’t worry! Because in our studies most of them will come up in one way or another.