Original Date 3-31-2017 Ever since Egyptian president as-Sīsī took power in the summer of 2013 he seemed close to Riyadh, but the question “Egypt on the Damascene road”
Author: Daniel Sógor
The deal of the century
As we were busy the last two weeks to give insight to the UAE we also wished to wait for the details of the “The deal of the century”
Between fire and the abyss
As the general Arabic debate concentrates now on the “deal of the century” more and more people guesses what steps each state will take. “Between fire and the abyss”
Tourists, terrorists, Tunisia?
In an interview in December 1981 former Libyan leader Mu‘ammar al-Qaddāfī said: “we are absolutely against tourism [terrorism] and these tourist [terrorist] groups in “Tourists, terrorists, Tunisia?”
It is time to raise that white flag
Last week we saw that whatever happened in Fuğayra it certainly scared and infuriated Riyadh. And if the message was by the al-Ḥūtīs, they “It is time to raise that white flag”
What really happened in Fuğayra?
On 12 May an incident happened in the port of Fuğayra, which is one of the seven emirates of the United Arab Emirates. Emirati “What really happened in Fuğayra?”
The B-Team
For more than a year now, ever since Trump stepped out of the JCPOA there were serious questions what would follow. Does that mean “The B-Team”
The last dance with Bašīr
Since December 2018 Sudan was boiling. That is unfortunately nothing special for the decades since independence in 1965 have often been volatile in this “The last dance with Bašīr”
Hearths Closer
The views of Huntington that the world is ahead of a major confrontation of cultures were sensational and indeed very catchy when his book “Hearths Closer”
Where to, Baghdad?
If the tragedy and the gradual disintegration in the Arab world discussed last week can be demonstrated in a “Where to, Baghdad?”