“Reuters”: Dozens of martyrs in an Israeli bombardment against Aleppo in Northern Syria.

https://www.almayadeen.net/news/politics/-رويترز—عشرات-الشهداء-في-قصف-إسرائيلي-على-حلب-شمالي-سوريا According to the security sources of Reuters the Israeli bombardment targeting positions at the city of Aleppo in Northern Syria results in the martyrdom“Reuters”: Dozens of martyrs in an Israeli bombardment against Aleppo in Northern Syria.

“All of them killed”. The Syria Army lays an ambush to a group of the “Hay’at Taḥrīr aš-Šām” to the south of Idlib.

https://www.almayadeen.net/news/politics/-جميعهم-قتلوا—-الجيش-السوري-ينصب-كمينا-لمجموعة-من–هيئة-تح According to what the source of al-Mayadeen reported an ambush of the Syrian Army at the az-Zāwiya Mountains front to the south of Idlib“All of them killed”. The Syria Army lays an ambush to a group of the “Hay’at Taḥrīr aš-Šām” to the south of Idlib.

Syrian source: 7 military and one civilian personnel became martyrs in the American aggression against Dayr az-Zūr.

https://www.almayadeen.net/news/politics/مصدر-سوري–استشهاد-7-عسكريين-ومدني-في-العدوان-الأميركي-على-د A Syrian military source confirms the martyrdom of 7 military and one civilian personnel and the injury of 19 soldiers and 13 civilians bySyrian source: 7 military and one civilian personnel became martyrs in the American aggression against Dayr az-Zūr.

Palestinian Foreign Ministry: We demand the immediate execution of the Security Council’s resolution and we warn against making its content void.

https://www.almayadeen.net/news/politics/ The Palestine Foreign Ministry warns against making the Security Council resolution void of its content. The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine respondsPalestinian Foreign Ministry: We demand the immediate execution of the Security Council’s resolution and we warn against making its content void.

Syria: Martyrs and wounded by an American aggression targeting Dayr az-Zūr.

https://www.almayadeen.net/news/politics/سوريا–غارات-جوية-معادية-تستهدف-نقاطا-في-دير-الزور The correspondent of al-Mayadeen in Syria confirms that the area of aṣ-Ṣāliḥiyya in al-Bū Kamāl, the residential quarters on al-Mayadeen and the neighborhood ofSyria: Martyrs and wounded by an American aggression targeting Dayr az-Zūr.

Chad: the Constitutional Council exclude 11 candidates from the presidential election, including two main opposition ones.

https://www.almayadeen.net/news/politics/تشاد–المجلس-الدستوري-يستبعد-11-مرشحا-للرئاسة-بينهم-معارضان The Constitutional Council in Chad bars 11 presidential candidates, including two opposing the ruling militia council. The main coalition of the opposition calls forChad: the Constitutional Council exclude 11 candidates from the presidential election, including two main opposition ones.

Sudan: Deputy Commander of the Army confirms that there will be ceasefire, nor negotiations with the “Rapid Supoort”.

https://www.almayadeen.net/news/politics/تأكيدا-على-مواصلة-القتال—مساعد-البرهان–لا-هدنة-ولا-تفاوض Deputy Commander of the Sudanese Armed Forces confirms the continuation of fighting in Sudan and says that they will not enter into any negotiationsSudan: Deputy Commander of the Army confirms that there will be ceasefire, nor negotiations with the “Rapid Supoort”.

With drones and missiles. Targeting the American “Harāb al-Ğīr” base in Syria.

https://www.almayadeen.net/news/politics/بمسيرة-وصواريخ—استهداف-قاعدة–خراب-الجير–الأميركية-في-سور Sources of al-Mayadeen in Syria report that the American Harāb al-Ğīr airport base suffered a targeted attack by missiles and drones. 24 March TheWith drones and missiles. Targeting the American “Harāb al-Ğīr” base in Syria.

Because of the Yemen’s operations on the Red Sea: The administration of Eilat port decides to lay off half of the employees.

https://www.almayadeen.net/news/economic/بسبب-عمليات-اليمن-في-البحر-الأحمر—إدارة-ميناء–إيلات–تعتز The HaStadarot confirms that half of the employees of the Eilat port are facing losing their jobs because of the suffered huge financial hitsBecause of the Yemen’s operations on the Red Sea: The administration of Eilat port decides to lay off half of the employees.

The “Ra’s Ğadīr” border crossing between Tunisia and Libya is closed for security reasons.

https://www.almayadeen.net/news/politics/إغلاق-معبر–رأس-جدير–الحدودي-بين-تونس-وليبيا-لأسباب-أمنية The Libyan Ministry of Interior announces closing the “Ra’s Ğadīr” border crossing with Tunisia after armed men attacked the crossing, saying that this aimsThe “Ra’s Ğadīr” border crossing between Tunisia and Libya is closed for security reasons.