رئيسي–سنرد-بشكل-واسع-وموجع-على-أصغر-استهداف-للأراضي-الإيران Iranian President Ebrāhīm Ra’īsī confirms that any Israeli move against Iran and its interests whatever simple they may be will meet a strong and “Ra’īsī: We will respond extensively and painfully to the smallest targeting of the Iranian lands or interests.“
Author: Amaraia Staff
“Topple al-Ğūlānī”. Increased protests in the rural areas of Idlib and Aleppo.إسقاط-الجولاني—-تصاعد-التظاهرات-في-ريفي-إدلب-وحلب The wave of protests against the leader of the “Hay’at Taḥrīr aš-Šām” Abū Muḥammad al-Ğūlānī and his security service expand in Idlib and Aleppo ““Topple al-Ğūlānī”. Increased protests in the rural areas of Idlib and Aleppo.“
Erdoğan holds Netanyahu responsible for the Iranian attack against “Israel”.إردوغان-يحمل-نتنياهو-مسؤولية-الهجوم-الإيراني-على–إسرائيل Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan says that the head of government of the Occupation Benjamin Netanyahu is that one who is responsible for the “Erdoğan holds Netanyahu responsible for the Iranian attack against “Israel”.“
Bāqerī announces the destruction of two Israeli positions. Salāmī: We have opened a new page in the confrontation.باقري-يعلن-تدمير-موقعين-إسرائيليين—وسلامي–بدأنا-صفحة-جديد The military leadership in Iran confirmed that the operation achieved its goals and warned “Israel” about any gamble. 14 April Chief of Staff of “Bāqerī announces the destruction of two Israeli positions. Salāmī: We have opened a new page in the confrontation.“
Israeli media: The aim of the Iranian operation was to hit the land trade line from the Emirates to “Israel”.إعلام-إسرائيلي–هدف-العملية-الإيرانية-ضرب-خط-الشاحنات-البري The Israeli media confirms the importance of the Iranian operation at the Strait of Hormuz as an important economic hit striking the Occupying Entity. “Israeli media: The aim of the Iranian operation was to hit the land trade line from the Emirates to “Israel”.“
Al-Burhān: We will not negotiate until the war continues in Sudan.البرهان–لن-نتفاوض-طالما-الحرب-مستمرة-في-السودان At the same time with the first anniversary of the large scale conflict breaking out in Sudan President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council in “Al-Burhān: We will not negotiate until the war continues in Sudan.“
“Don’t interfere and don’t struggle against us”. American officials reveal a message arriving from Tehran.لا-تتدخلوا-ولا-تعبثوا-معنا—-مسؤولون-أميركيون-يكشفون-رسالة The American “Axios” website confirm what Political Affairs Deputy of the Iranian Presidency Moḥammad Ğamšīdī announced about an Iranian warning message addressed to the ““Don’t interfere and don’t struggle against us”. American officials reveal a message arriving from Tehran.“
Iran and Pakistan call for pressuring “Israel” to stop its crimes against the Palestinians.إيران-وباكستان-تدعوان-للضغط-على–إسرائيل–لوقف-جرائمها-بحق-ا Iranian President Ebrāhīm Ra’īsī and his Pakistani colleague call for strengthening the relations between the two countries on the field of combating terrorism. 12 “Iran and Pakistan call for pressuring “Israel” to stop its crimes against the Palestinians.“
White House: We have informed Iran that we have nothing to do with the attack of “Israel” against the consulate in Damascus.البيت-الأبيض–أبلغنا-إيران-أن-لا-علاقة-لنا-بهجوم–إسرائيل–ع The United States of America continues to try to confirm that its had no connection, or prior knowledge about the targeted Israeli attack “White House: We have informed Iran that we have nothing to do with the attack of “Israel” against the consulate in Damascus.“
Libya: American military contractors to train militias in Tripoli within the agreement with ad-Dabība.ليبيا–مقاولون-عسكريون-أميركيون-لتدريب-ميليشيات-بطرابلس-بموج The American “Amentum” company provides professional training to the armed groups in Tripoli within its security strategy in Libya by training 3 armed brigades “Libya: American military contractors to train militias in Tripoli within the agreement with ad-Dabība.“